Please be careful when sharing these as the term dark meme is applied for a reason. The internet has completely changed the way society operates. Tumblr is 500 million different blogs, filled with literally whatever. Scrolling through your cautiously colourful Instagram feed, you- the supposed ‘liberal urban elite’- defend the meme saying, “Oh, c’mon! It’s not like he’s gay. Giving a boy the theatrical crown of gay icon courtesy of ‘OMG YAAAAS WE RELATE TO THIS SO F-ING MUCH’ facial expressions and supposedly ‘camp poses’ seem ridiculous and lead to a sorry stereotype that all gay men are effeminate.
The truth, however, is that some gay man can be effeminate and straight men can be effeminate too – IT IS OK TO BE EFFEMINATE. It is equally depressing to know that threads of masculinity are so fragile that it becomes alright as a society to make casual assumptions about the sexuality of a 5-year-old boy because he held hands with another boy.